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Opening up a world of education

Children love to learn. If they are denied access to knowledge, we also deny them the opportunity to change their lives for the better.


Support to the Haiti Education Sector Plan 2.0

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Project Status


Educate A Child has partnered with the Inter-American Development Bank to build on the success of Phase I of the project, which aims to enrol 22,000 OOSC. This second project aims to provide access to quality primary education to 10,000 more out of school children and retain an additional 80,000 children at high risk of dropping out of education. Phase II commences with reinforced objectives and new interventions. In addition, the project will support 500 overaged youth with climate change activities. The new interventions include:

  • Institutional Strengthening - Enhancing the governance and operational capacity of Haiti’s Ministry of National Education and Vocational Training (MENFP) at both central and local levels through comprehensive curriculum and policy reforms, teacher training programmes, and support for the Education Management Information System (EMIS).
  • Improved School Attendance and Retention - Implementing school-feeding programmes in food-insecure regions for each school day for all students throughout the academic year (110 days) to boost attendance. Holistic back-to-school campaigns target all children, while interventions target girls and Students with Disabilities.
  • Enhanced Quality of Teaching and Learning - Strengthening the capabilities of selected schools to elevate educational quality and foster inclusivity. This initiative includes the expansion of the Quality Assurance System (SAQ) to cover two additional academic years in 105 schools, post-project. Community-based strategies will be augmented to offer psycho-social support, remedial programmes including remote tutoring and tailored pedagogy, and online/hybrid learning models.


  • Poverty
  • Lack of learning materials
  • Climate change
  • Social discrimination
  • Late entry
  • Socio-political instability


  • School-feeding programmes
  • Provision of school textbooks
  • Waste management
  • Gender and disability safe spaces
  • Re-entry programmes for overaged youth
  • Remote/hybrid learning models

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