Project Status

The Integrated Social Protection Development Programme (ISPDP) is part of the Benazir Income Support Programme (BISP), which is Pakistan’s flagship social protection programme. The initiative aims to alleviate the poverty of poor women and their families through three key outputs: 1) strengthening institutional capacity for social protection and climate resilience; 2) enhancing access to primary and secondary education for children and adolescents of poor families; and (3) improving access to health services and nutrition supplies for women, adolescent girls, and children of poor families. The results-based lending modality utilised in this project provides the flexibility necessary to incentivise institutional strengthening, the scaling of BISP, integrating overaged children into formal education, adolescent girls’ nutrition and women’s financial literacy. Disbursements are linked to achievement against specific verifiable indicators. All DLIs will be verified by the independent verification agency, the Planning Commission. Within the broader social protection development program, EAA-EAC support is focused on Output 2: Access to primary and secondary education enhanced for children and adolescents of poor families. Specifically, EAC support will go to the primary education focused aspects of Output 2b: Conditional cash transfer-Waseela e Taleem (CCT-WeT) out of school children enrolment, which aims to newly enrol 960,000 (480,000 girls/480,000 boys) by the end of 2025 who have either never attended primary school or who dropped out of primary school prior to receiving CCT support.
- Poverty
- Gender discrimination
- Natural disasters/Climate change
- Low perceived education quality
- Overage status
- Geographic disparities
- Cash transfers
- Community mobilisation
- Capacity building on M&E, social protection & climate resilience
- Training for teachers and principals
- Accelerated-learning programmes for overage OOSC
- Financial literacy programmes for women