Our Right to Learn - Reaching the Unreached
Project Status

Girl Child Network (GCN) includes over 300 organisations, key government ministries, departments and individuals working to improve the status of children in Kenya with special emphasis on the girl child. GCN programmes are geared towards promotion and protection of girls through education. GCN promotes informed and educated girls who are able to demand their rights and protect themselves from abuse and neglect. In promoting the rights of girls, GCN’s programming seeks to enhance girls’ access, retention, performance and transition from primary to secondary education.
In partnership with EAC, GCN is implementing the new Our Right to Learn – Reaching the Unreached project over the course of a four-year period in the three counties of Garissa, Kajiado and Kwale. This initiative’s theory of change is rooted in the understanding that OOSC have rights and their participation in education can be realised if the key access barriers are addressed at the community, family, governmental and policy levels. Furthermore, this project aligns with the country’s constitution (article 53), as well as the Ministry of Education’s sector plan and supports the National Council for Nomadic Education in Kenya’s (NACONEK) efforts to increase education access to marginalised and nomadic communities in the country. Through this intervention, GCN plans to confront the barriers of gender discrimination, early/forced marriage, child labour and the perceived low-value of education, as well as build the capacity of duty bearers to implement/enforce education-related policy.
For more information about this EAC Implementing Partner, please visit the Girl Child Network website.