Equity and Quality in Education
Project Status

Plan’s Equity and Quality in Education project is targeted toward excluded and marginalized children ages 6-15 in rural and post-conflict areas in Uganda to realize their right to access and complete quality, gender-sensitive basic education. Plan is partnering with the Ministry of Education and Sports (MoES) to help Uganda’s OOSC enrol and stay in school. The project targets OOSC in Kamuli and Lira districts, which have some of the worst education performance indicators in the country. Populations being targeted include orphans and vulnerable children, especially girls, and children with disabilities, living in poor households and in rural, hard-to-reach areas, and/or in conflict-affected households. Targeted schools are receiving infrastructure development and materials support to ensure they have enough classroom space, separate latrines for boys and girls, a water point providing safe drinking water, hand-washing facilities, furniture, and textbooks.
In addition, through the formation of 30 model schools that demonstrate high standards of education quality and caregiver and community participation, this project increases access, retention, and primary education completion for 12,500 of the 60,000 enroled OOSC who are at severe risk of dropping out. Teachers in these 30 model schools are being trained in improving their instructional capacity.
Plan has long established partnerships with local authorities and other groups and will utilize them to implement the project and advocate for scaling up of successful interventions. Sustainability at the macro level will be secured through sharing results, advocacy, and influencing local and national education policies.
For more information on this EAC partner visit the Plan International website.