Our Right to Learn!
Project Status

The Our Right to Learn! project aims to enrol 31,350 out of school children (OOSC). It channels funds toward expansion of the GCN programs to focus more directly on reaching out of school girls (OOSG). It involves enroling an estimated 22,000 OOSG in targeted territories in Kajiado, Narok, Garissa, and Wajir, increasing community engagement to support girls’ education, and advocating for public policies that support greater access to education for girls. Due to the expansive territory and unique communities targeted, GCN partners with community-based organizations on the ground to engage specific stakeholders. The project will also enhance the capacity of girls and boys to manage their reproductive health and nutrition in 30 primary schools and ensure a “girl-friendly” environment in at least 30 schools in Kajiado County.
As the leading advocate for the rights of the girl child in Kenya, GCN has attracted an impressive array of international and private sector donors. This support, along with the project’s community involvement and monitoring will contribute to the project’s long-term sustainability. Sustainability will also be furthered by GCN’s focus on changing cultural norms to garner community support and on involving the government in all aspects of the project.