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About EAA

Opening up a world of education

Children love to learn. If they are denied access to knowledge, we also deny them the opportunity to change their lives for the better.


Schools of Tomorrow

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Project Status

In Brazil, EAC and Aprendiz are working in partnership to expand the Department of Education’s Schools of Tomorrow program to bring quality basic education to the children of Rio de Janario’s falavela’s. Rio de Janerio’s falavelas habitually have lower education levels, literacy rates, age-grade parity, and enrollment and retention rates than the rest of the country.
Schools of Tomorrow

The project will enroll and retain 21,000 out of school children in the Ministry of Education’s Schools of Tomorrow program schools over three years.  To achieve its goal, the project is conducting social-territorial mapping of out of school children and reasons why children drop out.  A government committee to structure the integration of policies and intervention strategies will be organized and a school and community task forces will be created to outline strategies to encourage and retain children in schools.

The project is creating student communication groups to transform schools into inclusive and welcoming environments.  In order to ensure that it reaches as many out of school children as possible, it is implementing active search strategies to identify out of school children.  Additionally, it is training those involved in the project on identifying and reaching out to out of school children and their families.

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