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About EAA

Opening up a world of education

Children love to learn. If they are denied access to knowledge, we also deny them the opportunity to change their lives for the better.


Enabling, Encouraging & Excelling

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As the global refugee protection agency, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) is responsible for ensuring that refugee children have access to quality education in their countries of asylum. There are over 2.7 million refugee children out of school in 12 targeted project countries.
Enabling, Encouraging & Excelling

Countries with the highest number of refugee out of school children (OOSC) include Ethiopia, Kenya, South Sudan, Chad and Sudan. While the numbers of refugees in Syria has declined over the past year, the number of OOSC who are internally displaced has increased, this project includes support to 210,000 Syrian children to enable their return to school in Syria. 

The eight strategic objectives of the EAC and UNHCR partnership supporting the goal of enrolling and retaining OOSC across 12 countries include expanding access to education; improving the quality of teaching and learning; ensuring safe learning environments for children; promoting awareness and advocacy on the importance of education for refugee children; improving data collection, management and analysis to promote learning and better programming; strengthening capacity and partnerships with MoE and other actors to enable more refugee children to access education opportunities; emphasizing community participation in education; and promoting innovation in education programming and interventions.

<>Each country proposal contains an innovative approach or activity that has the potential to increase the impact of OOSC outreach. Examples include the use of mobile phones and computers to facilitate literacy and teacher training in Pakistan; expanding access to reading material in Sudan, Rwanda, and Ethiopia through the provision of tablets; improving learning/teaching and data management through access to computers in Pakistan, Malaysia, Rwanda, South Sudan, Yemen, and Ethiopia; special support for girls through peer support groups and school clubs in Uganda; a savings and loan programme for the Parent Teacher Associations in Sudan; and a summer camp with educational activities for refugee and IDP children in Syria.

This project will reach more than 448,000 OOSC over a four year priod (2015-2019).

* EAC would like to thank KOICA for their generous co-financing contribution to this project.

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