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Education Above All Calls For the Safe Passage of All Students In Ukraine

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Education Above All is gravely concerned at the consistent reports of international students from African, Middle-Eastern, and Asian countries stranded at border crossings while trying to evacuate and flee the violence in Ukraine.

EAA calls for the immediate protection and safe passage for all students, learners, and educators, irrespective of their nationality, race, ethnicity, or religion. 

The current conflict has left an unknown number of students stranded; many have used social media to describe their situation, including having little means or capacity to evacuate.  It is imperative that the international community unites to immediately develop a system of humanitarian evacuation and protection.  It must also pressure the concerned authorities to provide the students with the assistance they need to reach safety.

According to the Government of Ukraine, there are over 80,000 students from 158 countries enrolled in higher education. The largest numbers of students are from India, Morocco, Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan, and Nigeria.

Education Above All also condemns the attack on a pre-school in Ukraine's eastern city of Okhtyrka, which killed a child and two adults, and injured another child on Friday. All are believed to have been seeking shelter inside after fleeing the violence.  EAA is alarmed at reports from Amnesty International that cluster bombs were used during the attack. Cluster munitions are internationally-banned weapons and highly dangerous because they indiscriminately kill and maim civilians.

For more information, or interview requests please contact:

Kevin Donohue 
Media Specialist
Education Above All
Mobile: +974 6616 5560


"Humanity will not overcome the immense challenges we face unless we ensure that children get the quality education that equips them to play their part in the modern world." -- HH Sheikha Moza bint Nasser

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