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Opening up a world of education

Children love to learn. If they are denied access to knowledge, we also deny them the opportunity to change their lives for the better.


Education for Out of School Syrian Refugee/IDP Children

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Project Status

In partnership with EAC, the US fund for UNICEF aims to provide quality primary education to 250,000 out of school Syrian refugee and internally displaced children.

Women and children have been the worst affected of the current civil war in Syria. This crisis has caused severe disruptions in access to education for hundreds of thousands of children.  The US Fund for UNICEF project, with EAC support, is addressing the need for quality primary education for out of school refugee and internally displaced children.

The objective of the project is to contribute to reducing school inequities and inefficiencies at primary education levels through provisions of services. Services provided by the project include rehabilitation of facilities, provision of materials, as well as by providing a supportive environment for the most vulnerable children in the community.

The intended results and proposed actions are based on assessment and monitoring of the on-going activities, in addition to consultations with partners and key actors in the sector. Project results focus on:

  1. Ensuring access to basic quality education through provision of school materials,
  2. Improving primary school services by involving parents, teachers and community to create a supportive learning environment for children through the establishment of school clubs, and
  3. Ensuring access to a safe space to learn through the provision of classrooms.

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