The UNICEF USA is dedicated to increasing the engagement of those who care about the well-being of children. UNICEF believes that during conflict, education should encompass more than just meeting curriculum objectives. Education delivery should offer a safe space for children, a means of providing a sense of normalcy, psychosocial support, protection against harm and access to other vital services. In response to educational needs, UNICEF has reinforced its leadership and partnership with the Ministry of Education and the education-sector partners in Syria. UNICEF’s efforts to provide education for children during the crisis are planned, developed and implemented in line with key strategic frameworks.
Together, through two separate initiatives EAC and the UNICEF USA have already reached more than 875,000 primary-level children affected by conflict in Syria with quality education in the country and in neighbouring countries, such as Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon and Turkey.
The current Increasing Access to Education for OOSC through the Self-Learning Programme (SLP) is a three-year project intervention, seeking to reach an additional 95,000 OOSC. The SLP and corresponding curriculum materials have been developed jointly by UNICEF, UNRWA and the Syrian Ministry of Education (MOE) as a response to the education needs of children with limited or no access to schooling as a result of the conflict. The self-learning materials align with Syria’s national curriculum and enable pupils to sit for government exams. Through psychosocial support, provision of learning materials, teacher training and classroom rehabilitation/construction, the project aims to provide a comprehensive self-study course in a safe-learning environment within the context of Syria’s conflict situation.
For more information on this EAC implementing partner, visit the UNICEF USAÂ website.