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Opening up a world of education

Children love to learn. If they are denied access to knowledge, we also deny them the opportunity to change their lives for the better.


Education for All: An Integrated Approach (Phase II)

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EAC and Aide et Action (AEA) have been working together to increase access to quality primary education to some of Cambodia’s most disadvantaged out of school children (OOSC) since 2014. By confronting poverty, lacking infrastructure and education quality, EAC and AEA are now collaborating to reach an additional 116,396 OOSC across the country.
Cambodia Consortium for Out of School Children (CCOOSC) – Phase II

Aide et Action is an international, non-government organisation that operates more than 100 projects in Africa, Asia, Latin America and Europe. It provides education to approximately 3.5 million children and adults annually. The second phase of this joint project is implemented by the Cambodian Consortium for Out of School Children (CCOOSC), a 29-member group consisting of leading development practitioners, including international and local NGOs, researchers, international experts and organisations, all partnering with communities to reduce barriers to primary education for vulnerable children.

The EAC/AEA CCOOSC Phase II project aims to increase access to equitable, quality and relevant education to 116,396 marginalised OOSC by focussing on: 1) equitable access; 2) education quality and relevance; and 3) ownership of duty bearers and rights holders.

OOSC are initially identified via participatory community mapping campaigns to bring those children into the formal education system, and then providing a mix of supply- and demand-side interventions. While notable gains were made in action areas during Phase I, it is critical that these efforts be expanded to reduce the prevalence of push and pull factors and other access barriers, such as poverty, lack of infrastructure and quality.

CCOOSC Phase II will intervene in schools across all 25 provinces in Cambodia. Importantly, each consortium partner will adopt a tailored approach that is suited to the needs of the communities on the ground. However, certain project interventions, such as: infrastructure enhancements, teacher training and capacity building for education actors, OOSC enrolment campaigns, parent and youth advocacy, policy dialogues, and research and documentation will take place in all provinces (or at the national level, as appropriate) where the project is active.

For more information about this EAC Implementing Partner, please visit the Aide et Action website.

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