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EMPOWER 2020 under the theme "Youth Mobilization for Inclusion, Peace and Security"

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The conference aim is to emphasize the importance of partnering and engaging with youth, with international organizations and United Nations bodies in peacebuilding strategies

Education Above All (EAA) Foundation, through its Reach Out to Asia programme (ROTA), launches its annual Youth Conference EMPOWER virtually this year under the theme "Youth Mobilization for Inclusion, Peace and Security." The conference which takes place from 15-19 July 2020 will inaugurate With the participation of Culture and Sports, H.E. Mr. Salah bin Ghanem Al Ali, H.E. Ambassador Sheikha Alya Ahmed bin Saif Al-Thani, the Permanent Representative of Qatar to the United Nations, Ms. Jayathma Wickramanayake, the UN Secretary-General’s Envoy on Youth and Mr. Achaleke Christian Leke the Pan-commonwealth Coordinator of the Commonwealth Youth Peace Ambassadors Network.

During the current highly challenging times of COVID-19 global pandemic, ROTA worked tirelessly to prepare for the conference and is very proud to announce the 12th edition of its annual EMPOWER youth conference. This year’s theme - Youth Mobilization for Inclusion, Peace and Security - supports the Qatar government’s efforts to host the inaugural High-Level Global Conference on Strengthening Youth Inclusion in Complex Peace Processes, in partnership with the United Nations Secretary-General’s Envoy on Youth.

The Conference which is scheduled to run till July 19 aims to build awareness, knowledge and skills related to Youth Mobilization for Inclusion, Peace and Security. Topics to be covered fall under the  four thematic pillars: Media & Technology, Sport & Art, Nation Building and Environment & Climate Change, moderated by international and national organizations such as Qatar Development Fund, the Global Coalition for Youth, Peace and Security, Silatech Foundation, Supreme Committee for Delivery and Legacy in Qatar, UNHCR, UNDP, Georgetown University in Qatar, Carnegie Mellon University in Qatar, Barca Foundation, the Doha Film Institute and other highly experienced and high-level institutions.

All in all, EMPOWER 2020 will reaffirm Education Above All Foundation belief in building on the strengths of young people for sustainable development in the spirit of peace, inclusion, cultural diversity and understanding.

In their opening remarks, H.E. Mr. Salah bin Ghanem Al Ali, and H.E. Shieka Alya Ahmed Bin Saif Al Thani expressed their appreciation of the role of the state of Qatar and that of Qatari and global youth in building their nations.

H.E. Mr. Salah Bin Ghanem stated that “Our youth today have reached a level of knowledge and vigilance about global issues that is worthy of our appreciation. This has been particularly evident in their strong awareness of the most prominent issues and challenges faced by the both Qatari and global community.”

While, H.E. Shiekha Alya’s accentuated the centrality of youth and youth related events, by saying “I would like to express my appreciation for the Reach Out To Asia (ROTA) program for the successful selection of this year's conference theme: "Enabling youth to integrate in establishing security and peace", as well as for choosing the appropriate time to hold it during this period.”

Ms. Jayathma Wickramanayake, the UN Secretary-General’s Envoy on Youth, said, “This challenge has made it clear that the biggest youth generation in history, of 1.8 billion young people, as well as the most connected one, must be meaningfully included as we « build back better » in the aftermath of this pandemic”.

Abdulla Al-Abdulla, ROTA Acting Executive Director said: “The v-EMPOWER 2020 Conference adds significant value to EAA’s vision in bringing new life chances, hope and opportunities to improve the lives of youth, And has provided a platform for youth from different countries to network with the youth of Qatar, as well as an excellent opportunity to learn from each other’s best practices, exchange ideas and discuss & present their visions and projects that address local and international developmental issues concerning them. It also reaffirms EAA’s belief in unlocking human potential and encouraging collaboration through its efforts to achieve SDG 4 on Education”.


"Humanity will not overcome the immense challenges we face unless we ensure that children get the quality education that equips them to play their part in the modern world." -- HH Sheikha Moza bint Nasser

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3.3million +

Youth Economically Empowered


2.6 million+

Skills training provided to teachers, school staff, and community members


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connected youth to economic opportunities

2.6 million+

Skills training provided to teachers, school staff, and community members

1 million+

Youth Empowered
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