Empowering Youth for Sustainable Development
Project Status

Vietnam is facing an ever-increasing threat from climate change and building climate resilience is a top priority for the Government. The country is extremely vulnerable to climate change and climate action and disaster risk reduction have become top government priorities in recent years. The government has taken important steps, such as signing the Paris Agreement on Global Climate Change, and developing National Action Plans. However, the country still suffers from implementation gaps. Youth (especially urban youth) lack the understanding, skills, resources, and values to become active global citizens who take action against climate issues locally. Under this project, youth will learn about and discuss solutions to global warming, greenhouse gas emissions, climate change, sustainable lifestyles, just energy transition, and green enterprise.
Through these project activities, ROTA and Action Aid UK will equip Vietnamese youth with knowledge and skills towards becoming active global citizens and young leaders of change. Youth will have increased knowledge and resources to take action against climate issues locally, generating evidence of youth's central role in building sustainable, productive, and just communities.
By the end of this three-year project, 13,902 Vietnamese youth will be more actively engaged as global citizens and will be participants in the implementation of climate-focused SDGs in particular. ActionAid and local partner organizations will work primarily with young people aged 15-24 based across ten rural and urban districts across three key regions of the country (North Mountain Region, Central Highlands, Mekong Delta, North and South regions). Specifically, this project will focus on marginalized youth facing a range of critical risk factors, including poor young farmers (especially women farmers), ethnic minority youth, migrant workers in urban areas, people with disabilities and poor families.