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Opening up a world of education

Children love to learn. If they are denied access to knowledge, we also deny them the opportunity to change their lives for the better.


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Calendar icon 28 - 29 November 2023

On November 28-29, 2023, join Education Above All and Qatar Foundation at WISE Summit 11 at the Qatar National Convention Centre (QNCC) for two days of insightful conversations on this year’s theme: "Creative Fluency: Human Flourishing in the Age of AI." We will host numerous panels and sessions covering a broad variety of topics such as AI innovations and application in higher education, milestone achievements, greening education, youth economic empowerment, fiscal sustainability, education in emergencies, and the current Gaza crisis. Renowned speakers will lead these crucial conversations, making WISE 11 a platform for impactful dialogues and responsible decision-making.

Tuesday, 28 November 2023

Wednesday, 29 November 2023


EAA’s Plenary at WISE 11: “Education in Times of War”

29 Nov - 09:00 am – 10:00 am | AlMayassa Theatre

The plenary will open the second day at WISE 11. By featuring several discussions, it aims to achieve three different objectives:

  • Promote global awareness for the Gaza crisis through the observance of the International Day of Solidarity with Palestinian Peoples, personal testimonies, factual statistics and by promoting responsible reporting;
  • Address educational recovery by upholding international humanitarian law, discussing solutions for trauma and psycho-social emotional learning, and focusing on rebuilding education in Gaza;
  • Explore AI's role in promoting human rights through data accessibility and its impact on advocacy.


  • 10:33 - Opening EAA Video
  • 11:07 - Opening and Welcome with Randa Al Dawoudi, Al Fakhoora student (MC)
  • 16:11 - "Dreams of Gaza" film by Mohannad Abu Rizq, Film Director
  • 18:51 - Keynote Address - Professor Jeffrey Sachs, UN SDG Advocate and Director of the Center of Sustainable Development at Columbia University
  • 31:53 - Transgenerational Trauma of War, discussion starting with Athar Ahmed, Al Fakhoora alumni
  • 37:20 - Moment of Silence - honouring those tragically killed in Gaza
  • 38:35 - Transgenerational Trauma of War, discussion continuing with Dr. James Gordon, American author and psychiatrist, Founder and CEO of The Center for Mind-Body Medicine
  • 51:27 - Truth from Surivors discussion with Ahmed Awad Zayed, Palestinian GUQ student and Ameera Harouda, Journalist from Gaza
  • 1:02:46 - Video message from Mo Amer, Palestinian–American activist and stand-up comedian
  • 1:06:00 - Closing with Randa Al Dawoudi, Al Fakhoora student (MC)



Artificial Intelligence and Access to Higher Education: The Role of AI in the Effort to Provide Inclusive, Equitable Access to Higher Education for the Most Marginalised

28 Nov - 10:30am – 11:45am | Rooms 218-219, QNCC

The panel discussion aims to explore the intersection of AI and access to higher education for marginalised youth, with a focus on application processes. The desired outcome is to identify actionable approaches for using AI as a tool in scholarship and other applications, ensuring a balanced, secure, and equitable implementation. Distinguished speakers include:

  • Khalid Al-Kawari, Youth Advocate, Education Above All (MC)
  • Hana Elshehaby, Youth Advocate, Education Above All (Moderator)
  • Dr. Lauren Goodlad, Distinguished Professor of Humanities, Rutgers University (Virtual)
  • Jennifer Dwyer, Technical Senior Manager, Al Fakhoora, Education Above All 
  • Jonah Kokodyniak, Senior Vice President, Program Development and Partner Services, Institute of International Education (IIE) 
  • Mujtaba Naqib, Qatar Scholarship for Afghans scholar, Bard College (Virtual) 



10 Years Anniversary Celebration Event: Re-Ignite Action to Transform the Lives of Those Left Behind

28 Nov - 10:30am - 11:45am | Auditorium 1, QNCC

The event celebrates Educate A Child's achievements in reaching millions of out-of-school children (OOSC) over 10 years. The intended outcome is to showcase the positive impact of EAC's focus on enrolling primary-level OOSC and motivate further commitment to this cause, emphasising the need for ongoing efforts in developing new solutions for access to primary education. Esteemed speakers include:

  • Vee Kativhu, Education Activist (Moderator)
  • Luis Beneviste, Global Director, Education, World Bank
  • Fatima Tarannum, Literacy Mobiliser, Alight
  • Dua Batool, Assistant Teacher/Former EAC Beneficiary, Alight
  • H.E. Claudiana Ayo Cole, Minister of Basic and Secondary Education, The Gambia
  • Vanessa Pacheco Manjarrés, Strategic Alliances Professional, FPD, Colombia
  • Nhial Deng, Refugee, Youth Advocate & former EAC/UNHCR beneficiary



AI in Education: Early Innovations Showcase

28 Nov - 10:30am – 11:45am | Rooms 218-219, QNCC

The session aims to bring together organisations leveraging AI in education to showcase innovations, foster collaboration, and emphasise responsible AI use for further improvement. The outcome is to explore opportunities to use AI to enhance learning experiences, particularly for underserved and marginalised students. Eminent speakers include:

  • Isabelle Hau, Executive Director, Stanford Accelerator for Learning
  • Mohammed Danish, Team Lead – AI Deployment, Taleemabad
  • Claire Mongeau, Co-Founder & CEO,  M-Shule
  • Yasmeen Alzabalawy, Regional Digital Projects Coordinator, International Rescue Committee
  • Revanth Voothaluru, Global Implementations Project Manager, Learning Equality



Greening Education: Critical Elements for Transformation – An Intergenerational Dialogue

28 Nov - 12:00pm - 1:15pm | Auditorium 1, QNCC

ROTA hosts an intergenerational dialogue to discuss critical elements required to transform and ‘green’ education in response to the global climate crisis fostering holistic learner competencies. The intended outcome is to provide recommendations for the future of 'Greening Education' to policy makers at COP28, drawing on global best practice case studies and contributing to informed decision-making in the realm of environmental education. Distinguished panellists include: 

  • George Tavola, ROTA-EAA (Moderator)
  • Stefania Giannini, Assistant Director-General for Education, UNESCO
  • Max McCabe, Chief Operating Officer, Education Outcomes Fund (EOF)
  • Mercy Musomi: Executive Director, Girl Child Network (GCN)
  • Brighton Kaoma, Global Director, SDSN Youth
  • Humphrey Mrema, Youth4Climate
  • Nisreen Elsaim, UNSG's Youth Advisory Group on Climate Change
  • Abdulla Al-Abdulla, Executive Director, Education Above All



Youth and the Creative Economy: Leveraging Technology for Youth Economic Empowerment in Developing Countries

28 Nov - 12:00pm – 1:15pm | Rooms 218-219, QNCC

The panel emphasises the need to support youth employment and bridge the global digital divide by recognizing creative industries as income-generating activities with great potential to contribute to the economic development of nations. Valued participants include:

  • Patience Rusare, Silatech (MC)
  • H.E. Khalifa Al-Kuwari, Director-General, QFFD
  • Antoine Karam, Lebanon Country Director, Swisscontact
  • Mohammed AL Romaihi, CEO, Qatar Museums 
  • Taha Bawan, CEO, Goodwall 
  • Alia Al-Khattar Williams, Deputy Director Socio-Economic Inclusion, UNHCR 
  • Ghada Al Subaiey, Fashion Designer & Entrepreneur - Qatar 
  • Ayaz Karimov, Entrepreneur Co-Founder, InSkills



10+ years of EAA experience—Lessons on ‘Re-Inventing Education’ for Inclusion and Protection from Attack

28 Nov - 1:30pm – 2:45pm | Auditorium 1, QNCC

Through the launch of a new publication, EAA's EAC and PEIC programmes address progress to date and remaining challenges regarding the number of out-of-school children at the primary level and attacks on education.  Successful practice and possible ways forward in relation to the two topics, along with calls for action to round out the publication. Distinguished speakers include:

  • Tariq Cheema, MD, Country Representative, Alight Pakistan (Moderator)
  • Stefania Giannini, Assistant Director General for Education, UNESCO
  • H.E. Khalifa Al-Kuwari, Director-General, QFFD
  • Dr. Mary Joy Pigozzi, Executive Director of Educate A Child, EAA
  • Dr. Seid Aman, Country Director, imagine1day
  • Bilal Barakat, Independent Researcher (Virtual)
  • Dr. Luis Beneviste, Global Director, Education, World Bank
  • Maleiha Malik, Executive Director of PEIC, EAA
  • Dr. Jerome Marston, Research Director, GCPEA and author of the forthcoming book: Education Under Attack 2024
  • Robert Jenkins, Director of Education, UNICEF
  • Christina Wille, Director, Insecurity Insight and Aid in Danger Project



Pakistan Youth Leadership Initiative (PYLI)

28 Nov - 1:30pm – 2:45pm | 218-219, QNCC


Reach Out To Asia (EAA) will launch the "Pakistan Youth Leadership Initiative" in partnership with the British Council Pakistan. By addressing key issues faced by Pakistani youth, the panel aims to showcase the project's methodology and objectives, such as fostering collaboration for inclusive climate actions and promoting community resilience. The session will conclude with the official Project Signing Ceremony. Esteemed speakers include: 

  • Wajiha Irfan, Head of Non-Formal Education, British Council Pakistan (Moderator)
  • Youth representative, British Council Pakistan (TBC)
  • Dr. Ali Malik, Deputy Secretary Prime Minister’s Youth Programme, Government of Pakistan 
  • Abdullah Saquib, Executive Director, VIAMO Pakistan 
  • Abdulla Al Abdulla, ROTA-EAA Executive Director



Strategy, Policy & Research (SPR): Public Policy Observatory Launch 

29 Nov - 10:30pm – 11:30 pm | Auditorium 1, QNCC

EAA is pleased to announce the inception of the Educational Public Policy Observatory, which intends to investigate the complex domain of education public policy. By leveraging its database and website the Observatory aims to gradually contribute to the education policymaking discourse in the Arab Region, promoting research, dialogue, and collaboration. Esteemed speakers include:

  • Leonardo De Pinheiro, Executive Director of Strategy, Policy and Research, EAA (Moderator)
  • Papa Amadou Sarr, AFD Executive Director of Mobilization, Partnerships and Communication Department 
  • Jonah Kokodyniak, Senior Vice President, Program Development and Partner Services, IIE 
  • Logan John Robert Cochrane, Associate Professor, College of Public Policy, HBKU 
  • Henrique Paim, General Director of the Center for the Development of Public Management and Educational Policies at FGV and Professor at the Brazilian School of Public and Business Administration – FGV EBAPE 
  • Jonathan Becker, Vice President of Open Society University Network and Executive Vice President of Bard College



Education Impact Bonds – What Works and How to Make Them Work Better with New Partnerships

29 Nov - 12:00pm - 1:15pm | Auditorium 1, QNCC

The session discusses the importance of education impact bonds in global financing, highlighting what works and how new partnerships can improve bonds, making sure that EAA has the tools and contacts to support its Wave 4 strategy. Valued speakers include:

  • Abha Thorat-Shah, British Asian Trust 
  • Dhun Davar, UBS Optimus Foundation 
  • Inga Afanasieva, World Bank 
  • James Shaw-Hamilton, EACI 
  • Mira Al-Attiyah, QNB Capital (TBC)
  • Leonardo De Piniero, EAA  
  • Prachi Jain Windlass, Michael and Susan Dell Foundation



Empowering Youth through Climate Change Education – A Case Study from Vietnam

29 Nov - 1:30pm – 2:45pm | Auditorium 1, QNCC

The session aims to highlight the joint ROTA-EAA-ActionAid Vietnam project's impact on empowering youth through climate change education. The intended outcome is to provide recommendations for scaling climate change education in Vietnam and Southeast Asia, contributing to broader regional initiatives in environmental education. Eminent participants include:

  • Moderator: Anwar Abdulbaki, ROTA-EAA 
  • Hoang Phuong Thao, Executive Director, ActionAid Vietnam 
  • Ly Nhac Linh, ROTA-AAV Project Manager, ActionAid Vietnam 
  • Ngo Van Cuong, Vietnam Youth Union: Vice President 
  • Nguyen Tra My, Youth for SDGs, Youth Project Beneficiary 
  • Nguyen Le Khanh Minh, Youth Project Beneficiary 
  • Abdulla Al-Abdulla, Executive Director, ROTA-EAA


"Humanity will not overcome the immense challenges we face unless we ensure that children get the quality education that equips them to play their part in the modern world." -- HH Sheikha Moza bint Nasser

Our Impact


total beneficiaries


3.3million +

Youth Economically Empowered


2.6 million+

Skills training provided to teachers, school staff, and community members


Qatar Scholarship


1 million+

Youth Development and



total beneficiaries




connected youth to economic opportunities

2.6 million+

Skills training provided to teachers, school staff, and community members

1 million+

Youth Empowered
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