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Hassan Mustafa, A Medicine Student And A True Advocate

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The recent month-long war on Gaza has had a devastating impact on Palestinian students, who are still struggling to return to their daily lives. However, some remain steadfast with their education, and their dreams of contributing to society.

On July 8, Israel launched a military operation that lasted for fifty days. According to the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, out of the 2,131 Palestinians that were killed, 1,473 were civilians. After Israel and Hamas agreed to a ceasefire, the crushing impact of the war started to show on many, including Palestinian students, who already struggle with Israel’s blockade on Gaza in furthering their education.

Despite the devastation, many students continued with their studies, and some medical students assisted in treating patients in the hospitals. Hassan Mustafa, a 23-year-old medical student, sponsored by Al-Fakhoora, said: “I was in Gaza when Israel began its military operation on July 8, I was at Al-Shifa Hospital helping since the first day of the war.”

Mustafa, who lives in northern Gaza in camp Jabaliya, added that he offered his help at Al-Shifa Hospital until he left Gaza for Jordan on August 10, in order to complete a month-long elective course. At Al-Shifa Hospital, Mustafa was a part of the ER department, and he also assisted in some emergency procedures, as well as suturing wounds. “I got some experience in obstetrics department during the heavy work there,” he added.

Mustafa, who is intent on completing his studies, participated in many of Al-Fakhoora’s initiatives, such as the Virtual Majlis, a teleconference that allows university students in Gaza to interact and communicate with students from Qatar, the United States, and the United Kingdom.

The Virtual Majlis initiative had a huge impact on Mustafa, and he credits it with giving him new skills and improving his English. “The benefits I got were during my work as a Technical Assistant where I coordinated of all the sessions. It develop my English language, my knowledge about the culture of the USA, how to talk and convene about any issues.” He added that the Virtual Majlis was also one of the best ways to increase awareness about Palestine, and its legal issues.

For now, Mustafa is focusing on his education, and aims to continue his studies abroad by earning his Master’s degree. He hopes to one day be a part of a team that will develop the quality of the health system in Palestine.


"Humanity will not overcome the immense challenges we face unless we ensure that children get the quality education that equips them to play their part in the modern world." -- HH Sheikha Moza bint Nasser

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