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About EAA

Opening up a world of education

Children love to learn. If they are denied access to knowledge, we also deny them the opportunity to change their lives for the better.


Qatar Scholarship – EAA/SPARK

Project Status

This project, in partnership with the Dutch NGO SPARK, provided access to quality, relevant higher education for eligible beneficiaries (internally displaced Syrians, Syrian refugees, Palestinians, and marginalized youth from host communities) throughout Jordan, Lebanon, Turkey, Palestine, Iraq, and Syria.

Premised on furthering the basic rights of Syrian and Palestinian refugees, as well as underserved youth from host communities, affected by crisis or occupation, this project provided access for forcibly displaced youth to quality, relevant higher education. With hundreds of thousands of youth applying for only a handful of scholarships, new approaches are needed to scale-up access to higher education, particularly in Syria’s neighboring countries (Turkey, Jordan, Lebanon, oPt, and KRG-Iraq) as well as Syria itself (SIG territories).

The aim of the project is to award scholarships for students from underserved backgrounds to access high-quality educational programmes of study, including certificates, diplomas, and bachelor degrees. These opportunities provided the essential building blocks through quality, relevant higher education, comprehensive student services, and inspirational civic engagement, enabling beneficiaries to actualize their full potential.

Project Achievement5,733 graduates

Project Duration: 6 years (2016-2022)

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