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Children love to learn. If they are denied access to knowledge, we also deny them the opportunity to change their lives for the better.


Operation Come to School in Kenya

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Project Status

Project Operation Come to School Kenya will be implemented in eight counties and one coastal island. This will result in 300,000 OOSC enrolled along with 50 schools rehabilitated and equipped with improved teaching and learning materials.
© UNICEF, Operation Come to School in Kenya

It will also result in 50 schools with integrated retention strategies with a particular focus on girls. Nine model county education systems that include OOSC intervention strategies will also be developed, implemented, documented and adopted.

A multi-pronged approach will include enrolment drives; improved school infrastructure through construction and rehabilitation, including addition of WASH facilities; teacher training; provision of mobile schools; focus on girls’ education; and creation of a model for country-wide interventions for OOSC.  

This approach is in alignment with Kenya’s National Education Sector Program in seeking to accelerate access to education for hard to reach children, especially those in arid/semi-arid lands (ASAL) and informal settlements; enhance universal access basic education by increasing the primary enrolment and completion rates; and utilize the Child Friendly School concept to increase the quality of learning.

Sustainability will be strengthened by the partnership's extensive network of implementing partners in Kenya. In addition, UNICEF’s leadership on education and OOSC-focused work in particular, positions the project to influence policy at the national level. 



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