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Opening up a world of education

Children love to learn. If they are denied access to knowledge, we also deny them the opportunity to change their lives for the better.


The Expansion Project of Support to the Education of OOSC

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Project Status

Through the Expansion Project of Support to the Education of Out of School Children and in partnership with EAC, CARITAS Congo ASBL will provide access to primary education for a total of 46,000 out of school children, and create conditions to significantly reduce the dropout rate in the provinces of Orientale, Equateur, Katanga and Kasai Occidental.
The Expansion Project of Support to the Education of OOSC

Project outcomes include the reintegration and successful completion of a full course of primary education for 46,000 OOSC; access to quality education and improved study conditions for 11,500 OOSC annually; an increase in the knowledge, skills, and capacity of 3,000 community leaders, local authorities, and local NGOs on children’s rights and protection and effective advocacy for the reintegration of OOSC; and School Management Teams with the basic knowledge and skills in accountability and transparency and committed to participatory school management.

This project relies on raising awareness among school authorities and the community about children’s rights to education and fosters the integration of local public and private stakeholders for collective support of education for OOSC.  Financial and economic viability is strengthened by the capacity-building of parent committees and school management committees.  Parent committees and volunteers will facilitate the project’s local ownership by forming active associations at the project sites. 

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