Education For All: An Integrated Approach
Project Status

Although enrolling and retaining children in primary education is the core of this project, it also involves enabling physical and financial access to education, research, a sharing network, policy advocacy, and capacity-building of the school support committee (SSC) and the commune council for women and children (CCWC) to lead effective enrolment campaigns and map where the most vulnerable children live. Additional strategies include: addressing parents’ and communities’ stigma toward OOSC; providing remedial education to enable students to catch up and reintegrate into the public system; and addressing structural factors in the education system that impede access such as teacher shortages and incomplete schools.
CCOOSC receives support from institutional donors and works with the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport representatives at national, provincial, district, commune, and village level to set up sustainable mechanisms. Moreover, CCOOSC seeks to contribute to the development of the National Guidelines for Inclusive Education to achieve its goals.