Roger Federer Foundation

Roger Federer Foundation (RFF) is dedicated to enabling children living in poverty to take control of their future and to actively shape it. This foundation works in long-term partnerships to promote the improvement of quality in existing education services for children 3-12 years of age in several countries in South Africa. In 2010, it launched a long-term education initiative in Limpopo Province in the North of South Africa with the aim of increasing the quality of education in this area. During the first three years, the initiative concentrated fully on early childhood education and preschools. By the end of 2013, it expanded in order to guarantee the quality of education after transition into primary school. In 2014, RFF supported 13 local partner organizations in Botswana, Ethiopia, Malawi, South Africa, Zambia, Zimbabwe, and Swaziland. RFF invests in the development of organizational skills, searches for innovative solutions to prevailing problems, and plans learning activities.
The Roger Federer Foundation (RFF) is a charitable Foundation. It works with carefully selected local organisations in long-term partnerships. It supports the development of individual skills, searches for innovative solutions and acts in a targeted way in order to improve the children’s situation over the long term. The involvement is concentrated on a few chosen countries in Africa and in Switzerland.
The projects in Africa focus on improving of the quality of early learning and basic education. RFF ensures that communities assume joint responsibility for solutions with regard to the content, organisation and finances. The children, their families and their community contribute their suggestions to both the requirements analysis and the development of innovative solutions and actively cooperate in implementation.
The EAC-RFF project will work over the course of two years to improve the quality of education in Limpopo in order to prevent dropouts and increase enrolment of out of school children.
For more information about this EAC Implementing Partner, please visit Roger Federer Foundation.