Humana People to People India

Founded in 1998, Humana People to People India (HPPI) is a non-political, non-religious organisation working towards the holistic development of under-privileged and marginalised people in rural and urban India. Overall, HPPI focuses on social development and poverty alleviation through coordinated, strategic interventions in education, life skills, improved livelihoods, health and sanitation, the empowerment of women and environmental protection. The organisation’s mission is to unite with people in India to sustain development in the broadest sense through projects that transfer knowledge and develop skills and the capacity of people and communities to lift themselves out of poverty. To date, HPPI has implemented more than 140 projects across India with different international and national, private and public partners.
In partnership with EAC, HPPI is implementing the Step-Up Centres for Out of School Children project in the districts of Gurgaon and Mewat in Haryana State and the National Capital Region of Delhi. In line with the organisation’s perspective on holistic development, Step-Up Centre programming will concentrate on academic growth and cultivating the interpersonal skills and societal knowledge relevant to the 21st Century of OOSC. Specifically, the project will employ an 11-month system of courses (guided learning), studies (self-navigated learning) and experiences (development of real world associations) with the ultimate goal of mainstreaming students into formal government schools. Group learning will be the norm to foster exchange, interaction and collaboration. Over the course of three years, the Step-Up Centres initiative aims to enrol and mainstream a total 30,000 OOSC.
For more information about this EAC Implementing Partner, please visit the Humana People to People India website.Â