Graça Machel Trust

The Graça Machel Trust (GMT) works across the African continent to amplify women’s movements, influence governance and advocate for the protection of children’s rights. Engagement with Tanzania began in 2012 and has focused primarily on advocacy to end child marriage and improve nutrition. In 2014, the GMT started working in the Mara Region’s education sector. Since then GMT has established and strengthened various civil society organisations and networks committed to the provision of quality education and ending child marriage. Together with UN agencies, civil society and other stakeholders, the Trust has launched a campaign to end child marriage in Tanzania. Moreover, the GMT works with a range of partners to advocate for free and compulsory basic education.
In an attempt to support the Tanzanian Government’s efforts to realise universal primary education, EAC and GMT have embarked upon a partnership called the Enrolling and Retaining 20,000 OOSC in the Mara Region of Tanzania project. Designed to bolster the capacity of school governing bodies (SGBs), education officials and community volunteers to identify and enrol OOSC, build multi-sector alliances of governmental and community-based stakeholders and deliver support service referrals to children and families in need, this initiative aims to reach some of the most marginalised in the country. Ultimately, the GMT project seeks to enrol and retain 20,000 OOSC across Tanzania’s northern Mara Region in quality primary education over the course of two years.
For more information on this EAC Implementing Partner, please visit the Graça Machel Trust website.