The Citizens Foundation (TCF)

The Citizens Foundation (TCF) aims to remove barriers of class and privilege while making the citizens of Pakistan agents of positive change. Specifically, TCF works to provide quality education to children, especially girls, in less privileged communities. Since its inception in 1996, TCF has evolved into the largest education non-profit in Pakistan, investing in and operating 910 school units across remote rural areas and densely populated urban slums in 97 towns and cities, providing quality formal education to 126,000 children from the very bottom of the pyramid. To date, more than 5,000 students have successfully matriculated from TCF secondary schools (passed 10th grade education).
EAC and TCF are working to enroll over 82,700 children who have never been to school in TCF schools across Pakistan over a 4 year period. The partnership is providing these children with an education that they may not have otherwise had.
For more information about this EAC implementing partner, please visit their website.