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Silatech Launches “Forsa” Program in Cooperation with Doha Institute for Graduate Studies

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Silatech Launches “Forsa” Program in Cooperation with Doha Institute for Graduate Studies

Silatech launched the “Forsa” program in cooperation with the Excellence Center for Training and Consulting at Doha Institute for Graduate Studies, as part of Silatech’s efforts to socially empower youth. The program will run from July 4th through August 17th   2020.

This first edition program targets youth in the Middle East and North Africa region in terms of investing and developing their capabilities and building their leadership skills. We aim to contribute in socially and economically empowering youth and strengthening their roles within society.

This program comes at a time where millions of youth around the globe are suffering from the devastating consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic. According to the International Labour Organization (ILO), over 1 in 6 youth remain out of work since the onset of this global, public health and economic crisis. Over 3,000 youth from different Arab countries, aged between 18-35 have already registered for the program. The trainees will attend 6 training courses including:  Youth Empowering Strategies, Technology and Youth Identity, Invent your Job, A Leader for a Different Time, Youth Positive Leadership, and Entrepreneurship after the Pandemic.

Leading experts from various international organizations and entities including UNICEF, the ILO, Al Sharq Youth Forum, Cisco, Qatar Science & Technology Park (QSTP), Ministry of Administrative Development Labour and Social Affairs in Qatar, and independent experts will present the courses.

Silatech Executive Director of Programs Mr. Faisal Al-Emadi said “the corona pandemic had devastating economic repercussions, as millions of young people have lost their jobs,  and therefore, it is important to upskill the youth by learning new skills. The “Forsa” program is really an important opportunity for them to develop their abilities and keep pace with technology through various and specialized training programs, and thus gain new skills and expertise in an effort to be and qualified for a competitive job market”.

Furthermore, Dr. Hend Al Muftah, Vice President of Administration and Finance at the Doha Institute for Graduate Studies; highlighted that this cooperation with Silatech in the “Forsa” program is purposely established to achieve the development goals of the international organizations to empower youth. The six training courses of the program feature an integrated system of skills and expertise in various fields with the goals of developing youth awareness and support their rights to work. In addition, addressing unemployment issues and advancing entrepreneurship is essential,”Dr. Al Muftah added.

Dr. Farid El Sahn, Director of the Executive Education Excellence Center at the Doha Institute for Graduate Studies; stated that all the courses included in the program focus on instilling social empowerment techniques in youth society, developing their leadership skills, activate the effective communication and build a network of social support between youth.

Noora Al Thani, Program Officer at Silatech; said “the social empowerment of youth is one of the main axes in the Silatech strategy. We cherish this partnership with the Excellence Center for Training and Consulting and Doha Institute for Graduate Studies. We also commend the other partners for their invaluable participation in the program”.

The “Forsa” program came about as a result of a new partnership between Silatech and the Excellence Center for Training and Consulting at Doha Institute for Graduate Studies, during a challenging time where millions of youth, especially young women continue to suffer as a result of deteriorating economic conditions since the onset of COVID-19. These unprecedented times require more significant efforts and an effective strategy to curb the pandemic repercussions from all sectors, including, governments, private sector, international organizations, civil society, and financial institutions.


"Humanity will not overcome the immense challenges we face unless we ensure that children get the quality education that equips them to play their part in the modern world." -- HH Sheikha Moza bint Nasser

Our Impact


total beneficiaries


3.3million +

Youth Economically Empowered


2.6 million+

Skills training provided to teachers, school staff, and community members


Qatar Scholarship


1 million+

Youth Development and



total beneficiaries




connected youth to economic opportunities

2.6 million+

Skills training provided to teachers, school staff, and community members

1 million+

Youth Empowered
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