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About EAA

Opening up a world of education

Children love to learn. If they are denied access to knowledge, we also deny them the opportunity to change their lives for the better.



Calendar icon 05 - 09 March 2023
As part of the Fifth United Nations Conference on the Least Developed Countries (LDC5), Education Above All Foundation (EAA) will hold four panels and a roundtable discussion tackling a range of education-related issues.

The theme for this year’s event is “From Potential to Prosperity” and will take place at Qatar’s National Convention Centre (QNCC) in Doha. EAA’s panels will contribute to supporting key LDC outcomes, as per the as Doha Programme of Action. These include a focus on increased enrolment, gender equality and equal access to all levels of education, as well as utilising digital tools and technologies to improve education outcomes.

Education Above All Sessions will include:

6 March 2023 - 10:45 – 12:00

Transforming Education in LDCs - Ensuring a focus on Inclusion and Gender Equality

Room: 104

Framing presentation: Ms. Nishina Previlon, UNESCO Youth as Researchers

  • Ms. Stefania Giannini, ADG UNESCO (Virtual)
  • H.E. Dr. Dipu Moni, Minister of Education, Bangladesh
  • H.E. Mr. Rana Tanveer Hussain, Federal Minister of Federal Education and Professional Training, Pakistan
  • Mr. Leonardo Garnier, Special Advisor on the Transforming Education Summit
  • Ms. Areej Masri, former EAA-OHCHR-Silatech Youth Advisory Board Member
  • Mr. Sylvain Obedi Katind, former EAA-OHCHR-Silatech Youth Advisory Board Member;
  • Elham Mansoori, Afghan student in Qatar

Moderator: Ms. Armel Sly-Vania, SDG4 Youth Network Representative


7 March 2023 - 9:00 – 12:00

Out of School Children: Linking across Sectors for Success

An informal, invitational round table discussion in support of transforming education in the 21st Century.

Confirmed attendees:

  • Ministry representatives from LDC Countries
  • Director General  Qatar Fund for Development (QFFD)
  • Minister of Education and Higher Education, Qatar



March 7th, 2023 - 12:15 – 13:45

Multi-Stakeholder Partnerships - Addressing the Burkina Faso Education Crisis

Room: Exhibition Hall 2A

Panel 1 - Partnership Panel

  • Dr Hiba Ahmed, Director General, Islamic Solidarity Fund for Development (ISFD)
  • Ms Catherine Kabore, Permanent Secretary, Speed Schools Secretariat, Ministry of Education, Burkina Faso
  • Mr Titus Tenga, Director of International Programmes, Strømme Foundation
  • Mr Fahad Al Sulaiti, CEO, Education Above All Foundation

Panel 2 - Technical Experts Panel

  • Ms Rayana Fazil, National Education Programme Manager, Aga Khan Foundation
  • Mr Djibril Ouattara, Chief Program Officer, Global Programs, BuildOn
  • Mr Mohammed Diyat, Education Specialist and Program Manager, CARE International
  • Ms Anne Beivik, Deputy International Director, Strømme Foundation

Moderator: Mary Joy Pigozzi, PhD., Executive Director, Educate A Child




8 March 2023 - 10:30 - 12:00:

Unleashing the Power of Youth - Supporting youth-led climate action in LDCs

Room: 104

Youth Speakers:

  •     Mr. Humprhey Mrema, Youth4Climate
  •     Mr. Itinterunga Rae Bainteiti, Pacific Youth Focal Point on Climate Mobility
  •     Mr. Mohamed Okash, Director of Institute of Climate and Environment, SIMAD University, Somalia
  •     Ms. Eleala Avanitele, Tuvalu Youth Representative

Youth Moderator: Mr. Neeshad Shafi, Arab Youth Climate Movement, Qatar

Member states representatives:

  •     Cambodia Secretary of State, Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport, H.E. Dr. Sles Nos


  •     Mr. Haoliang Xu, ASG and UNDP
  •     Mr. Abdalla Al Abdalla, EAA ROTA
  •     Ms. Farida Aboudan, UNESCO
  •     Dr. Brenda Haiplik, UNICEF


9 March 2023 - 12:35-1:45

Advancing Access to Higher Education Opportunities for the Most Marginalized

Room: Auditorium 2

Keynote Speaker: Stefania Giannini, UNESCO Assistant Director-General for Education (Virtual)


  • Dr. Roberta Malee Bassett, Global Lead for Tertiary Education, World Bank (Virtual)
  • Arash Bordbar, Associate Education Officer for the UNHCR
  • Joel Kamoko, Permanent Secretary, Education Services, Ministry of Education, Zambia
  • Luca Lantero, Director General, Information Centre on Academic Mobility and Equivalence (CIMEA), Italy, and Acting President for Lisbon Recognition Convention Committee
  • Marina Malgina, President, The Association for International Credential Evaluation Professionals (TACEIP)
  • Yayoi Segi-Vitchek, Chief of Section, Migration, Displacement, Emergencies and Education, UNESCO
  • Kate Vivian, Vice President for Sustainability and Campus Life, Sciences Po

Moderator: Dr. Samah Abdulhafid Gamar, Ph.D., Senior Education Consultant, Education Above All Foundation

Youth Dialogue:

•    Jemimah Atahigwa, Student Beneficiary, Qatar Scholarship - Georgetown University Qatar, African Leadership Academy
•    John Ewotu, Student Beneficiary, Qatar Scholarship - Georgetown University Qatar, African Leadership Academy
•    Byarurema Trésor Lévi, UQP Holder, University of Brescia, Italy

Moderator: Ms. Asmaa Fikree, Qatar Youth Advocate


"Humanity will not overcome the immense challenges we face unless we ensure that children get the quality education that equips them to play their part in the modern world." -- HH Sheikha Moza bint Nasser


14.5 million

enrolment commitments for OOSC




retention rate


Teachers trained


schools and classrooms