The forced closure of schools and learning centres only served to deepen the chasm between those children who could access education and those without the resources to do so on their own. Despite the disturbing reality of the situation, this experience presented opportunities to reflect on and to rethink nearly everything previously perceived as normal and taken for granted. However, in many cases, the pandemic prompted resilience and creativity in the face of enormous challenges, and as the world began to shut down, alternate means of education provision emerged.
This virtual event will be a moderated panel discussion, which will permit panellists from EAC-implementing partners the opportunity to offer their remarks, insights and answer context-specific questions about the efficacy of distance education and the respective roles of the community, parents and teachers. After every panellist has had the floor, the moderator will open a Q&A session that will be followed by closing remarks.
- Ms Sabrina Hervey, Technical Head of West Africa and Asia, Educate A Child
Panel members:
- Dr Seid Aman, Country Director, imagine1day
- Mr Nan Sitha, Cambodia Country Director, United World Schools
- Dr Tariq Cheema, Country Representative, Alight Pakistan
- Ms Rosann Jager, Chief Operating Officer, buildOn
Closing remarks:
- Mr Fahad Al-Sulaiti, CEO, Education Above All FoundationÂ